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Commercial Activity & Self-Promotion

We will not accept paid advertising. As members of a global community of sapient and compassionate beings, we reject the idea that possession of capitalist power-tokens entitles the holder to compel others. Accounts that exist primarily to promote for-profit[1] activity will be suspended without warning unless we have previously granted an exception.

We do wish to support activities that support workers, creators, and communities. This includes but is not limited to:

  • independent artists/authors promoting or selling their own work or services, preferably through independent venues
  • individually or co-operatively-owned sales venues
  • individually or co-operatively-owned services

Rule of thumb: any profile which includes phrases like "Looking for $thing?" and then goes on to describe how they offer $thing (especially if they claim to have the best $thing in $area) will probably be suspended on sight.


  • 2022-12-20 «I need to update TC's policy-page to reflect this, but I draw a strong distinction between (a) an account which only exists to promote something, vs. (b) an account that interacts socially but also sometimes has things to promote.»


  • 2022-12-20 revised to be more explicitly nurturing of independent creators


  1. the sense of revenue that goes to owners solely for being owners, rather than as a means of helping to provide a living to workers/creators.