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TootCat Technical Documentation
anything that's public-safe, anyway!



Up until the June 2024 migration, we were using DigitalOcean. The plan is to migrate to Hetzner.


  • 16 GB Memory / 320 GB Disk / NYC1 - Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64 ($96/mo.)

Public Repositories

all on GitLab, for now:

  • Glitch (code): our lightly-tweaked Mastodon Glitch Edition
  • Boxes (docs): some infrastructure, mainly to do with the 2024 migration
    • @Meatballhat has been an absolute tank-demon (insert your own improved metaphor here) working on this.
  • nixos-config (code/docs): TC's NixOS configuration
    • At least in theory, this is about to be obsolete.
    • Many thanks to ash for getting it set up in a time of crisis.