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2023-12-27 - Woozle

2023-12-27 at 15-53-04.screen.Walter Dunham Ll.B. (

(2023-12-23 16:45 Walter said (responding to Aure Free Press):

The "chosen people" of God is annihilating an entire race!

  1. Genocide
  2. GenocideInGaza

13:13 Woozle commented:

@walterdunham @Free_Press

<s>The "chosen people" of God</s> A bloodthirsty authoritarian leader is annihilating an entire race!


(How would you like to be held accountable for every action of your government, hmm?)

13:56 Walter said:

@woozle @Free_Press Seriously? That's your reply? It's fine IF ALL of Israel's citizenry is up in arms for this genocidal act. But no, half if not more than majority of Israel's populace are pro-zionist, and this is where the problem lies! They voted Netanyahu and his zionist government THRICE!!! If that doesn't tell you something then you are caught up in your own extremely consevative rightist world!

Wher are you from? Are you from one of those "high and mighty" colonizing countries, grama?!

14:00 Woozle replied:

@walterdunham @Free_Press

Okay, so I'd say please just be clear that you're talking about Zionist zealots in particular and not all Jewish people or even all Israeli citizens.

Also, voting for someone does not mean you approve of everything they do. Someone winning an election also does not necessarily mean the majority wanted them, even if you assume no electoral fraud. Sometimes the alternatives are worse; sometimes the vote is "legally" rigged (Gerrymandering, Electoral College shenanigans, etc.) and of course people can be vastly misinformed about what their vote means.

I'm from the US, and I voted for Biden in the general election -- but that doesn't mean I support everything he does, much less everything the US has ever done.

14:06 Walter said:

@woozle @Free_Press Am not clear eough for you? Didn't I say "zionist" in the very beginning? I'm AWARE that not ALL Jews are zionists as there are in fact anti-Netanyahu protests in Israel (albeit very small pockets!).

"Also, voting for someone does not mean you approve of everything they do." THAT IS THE ESSENCE OF VOTING for a candidate. And in case you missed it, I said they voted Netanyahu to power THRICE!!! Does that not tell you these zionists jews WHO VOTED HIM IN like what he's doing?

14:08 Woozle replied:

@walterdunham @Free_Press

I don't see "Zionist" anywhere in there.


14:11 Woozle replied:

@walterdunham @Free_Press

"Also, voting for someone does not mean you approve of everything they do." THAT IS THE ESSENCE OF VOTING for a candidate.

Um, no. It's very rarely (if ever) possible to find a candidate who one even thinks will do everything one wants -- much less one who will actually carry through with it.

14:12 Walter said: @woozle @Free_Press Again I repeat, THEY VOTED NETANYAHU TO OFFICE THREE TIMES!!! 14:13 Walter said: @Free_Press Nitpicking will not work well for you. You're just being argumentative now! Just give it up as you have already shown where your sympathy lies!!!

At this point Walter started doing something so that I couldn't reply, despite still seeing his posts in my notifs, so I didn't get the chance to point out that Israeli support for Netanyahu was 39% after the uptick in support from the initial attack. (It's kind of horrendous that bombing another country would cause an uptick in support, but that's a separate issue.):

I wasn't able to quickly find any more recent polls, but I'd hope support has gone down since then as folks have started to gain a better appreciation of the horror being inflicted on innocent people.